Fri, 25 July 2008
James and Mike leave Adam back at the Orphanage as they discuss its literary influences, American horror vs. Foreign creepiness, and celebrate that the kid finally grew up and died on the escalator.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. THE ORPHANAGE imdb Page:
Direct download: 24_TAS_No.24_THE_ORPHANAGE_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT
Fri, 25 July 2008
John and Adam make it out of the Grand Guignol unscathed enough to talk about how Sweeney Todd is like Eminem, CGI vs. CGI, Adam & Stacey's first kiss, and the assimilation of Helena Bohnam Carter or will the real Bohnam Carter please stand up. Plus the age old question of "How many stabs does it take to get to the revenge center of a satisfying revenge?"
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. SWEENY TODD imdb Page:
Direct download: 23_TAS_No.23_SWEENEY_TODD_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT
Fri, 18 July 2008
In honor of possibly the most schizophrenic film ever. James, Mike, John, Adam and Brian tackle a smorgashborg of topics. Highlights include: The Rock is dead, Kevin Smith as a prostitute, an 'Enchanted' discussion with Juno, James's hate for Eli Roth, John's perspective of No Country For Old Men, Lynchian tales from a moonlighting pizza delivery man, and the greatest potato chip brand off all time.
If you have a comment or question you can post a comment, write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. SOUTHLAND TALES imdb Page:
Direct download: 22_TAS_No.22_SOUTHLAND_TALES_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:00pm EDT
Fri, 18 July 2008
Esber and Adam are a little tipsy from drinking in Darren Aronofsky's esoteric tapestry.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. THE FOUNTAIN imdb Page:
Direct download: 21_TAS_No.21_THE_FOUNTAIN_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:08pm EDT