Fri, 26 September 2008
James and Adam contemplate a Doomsday trilogy as they ponder time travel without time travel, how little military grade hardware has advanced in 30 years, and of course No Country For Old Men.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. DOOMSDAY imdb Page:
Direct download: 45_TAS_No.45_DOOMSDAY_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:01am EDT
Fri, 26 September 2008
A mysterious DVD appears. As they review a movie that they know nothing about, a punch drunk John and Adam try to figure out just what it is that they just watched.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. SONGS FROM THE SECOND FLOOR imdb Page:
Direct download: 44_TAS_No.44_SONGS_FROM_THE_SECOND_FLOOR_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00am EDT
Fri, 19 September 2008
Brian gets in more meditation time as John listens to Adam expound on the metaphysical underpinnings of a rustler's rhapsody. Also illuminated this episode: the fragile tone of comedies, and the logistics of the 20 minute film rule.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. RUSTLER'S RHAPSODY imdb Page: TAMPOPO imdb Page:
Direct download: 43_TAS_No.43_RUSTLERS_RHAPSODY_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT
Fri, 12 September 2008
Unbefitting the hair cut at hand Brian, John and Adam give the shortest AfterShow yet. Why? It's a mystery.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. AMERICAN MULLET imdb Page:
Direct download: 42_TAS_No.42_AMERICAN_MULLET_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:37pm EDT
Fri, 12 September 2008
Stacey and Adam just want to give Amy Adams a big hug as they contemplate the state of Tom Hanks comedic career, and if Clive Owen has been cloned recently. Plus: Trailer Park, and is Keira Knightley really that big?
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. MISS PETTIGREW LIVES FOR A DAY imdb Page:
Direct download: 41_TAS_No.41_MISS_PETTIGREW_LIVES_FOR_A_DAY_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:13pm EDT
Fri, 12 September 2008
John and Adam catch the last 3:10 To Yuma to give freaks and friday love, pity Alan Tudyk, and wonder if No Country For Old Men was actually a dream. Then James, Mike, John, and Adam jump on the first train with unsubstantiated proof that Entertainment Weekly is on drugs. Plus good old films vs. bad old films and musings on the political machinations for the position of town drunk.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. 3:10 TO YUMA (1957) imdb Page: 3:10 TO YUMA (2007) imdb Page: The AfterShow No.40 3:10 TO YUMA (1957 & 2007) by Due South Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
Direct download: 40_TAS_No.40_3_10_TO_YUMA_1957__2007_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:52pm EDT
Fri, 5 September 2008
Brian, John, and Adam are pretty impressed that Jason Statham is as in shape as he is with all the cake he gets to eat. Plus rear end bank protocol theorizing.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. THE BANK JOB imdb Page:
Direct download: 39_TAS_No.39_THE_BANK_JOB_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:43pm EDT
Fri, 5 September 2008
Stacey, and John think it might be fun, but Adam would be better off dead than partaking in a Rocky Horror Picture Show screening. Plus why Ferris Bueller is actually kind of an asshole.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. BETTER OFF DEAD imdb Page:
Direct download: 38_TAS_No.38_BETTER_OFF_DEAD_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:40pm EDT