Fri, 3 April 2009
James, Mike, John, and Adam discover the missing link between cult flim and porno.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. DEATH RACE 2000 imdb Page:
Direct download: 101_TAS_No.101_DEATH_RACE_2000_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:02pm EST
Fri, 3 April 2009
Befitting a milestone such as the hundredth episode John, Mike, and Adam reach the end of their track for explaining away plot holes, as they scheme a way to get James to ride the meat train. Plus the secret on how to prevent abortions, interesting smells, and illegal immigration.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. THE MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN imdb Page:
Direct download: 100_TAS_No.100_THE_MIDNIGHT_MEAT_TRAIN_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:01pm EST