Fri, 26 December 2008
James and Adam proceed to re-right Will Smith's legend sans video game rejects. All while the irony of Adam's multiple attempts at his own SFX are lost on him.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. I AM LEGEND imdb Page:
Direct download: 68_TAS_No.68_I_AM_LEGEND_James_Thoughts_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:01pm EDT
Fri, 19 December 2008
James and Adam finish off their manic kaleidoscopic high with to discussions of The Fountainhead, the monopoly guy, and the emasculation of Ace Ventura.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. SPEED RACER imdb Page:
Direct download: 67_TAS_No.67_SPEED_RACER_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:03pm EDT
Fri, 19 December 2008
Stacey and Adam marvel at Bianca's acting and one of the slickest Doctors ever.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. LARS AND THE REAL GIRL imdb Page:
Direct download: 66_TAS_No.66_LARS_AND_THE_REAL_GIRL_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:02pm EDT
Fri, 19 December 2008
Stacey and Adam brush up on the mysteries of Curling and Canadian culture.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. MEN WITH BROOMS imdb Page:
Direct download: 65_TAS_No.65_MEN_WITH_BROOMS_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:01pm EDT
Fri, 12 December 2008
Mike is graciously patient with Adam's futile attempts at belting in speech coherency.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. REDBELT imdb Page:
Direct download: 64_TAS_No.64_REDBELT_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:01pm EDT
Fri, 5 December 2008
James and Adam wait with bated breath for Iron Man's tag while reminiscing about that other super-hero movie's attempt at bookend relevance. Plus: The difference between comic book movies and comic book films, the litmus test for fanboyism, Adam's blood lust for drama, and why you should never watch the new Battestar Galactica before you go see any other genre fair.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. IRON MAN imdb Page:
Direct download: 63_TAS_No.63_IRON_MAN_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:03pm EDT
Fri, 5 December 2008
John B, Mike and Adam wonder just how is it that there are still World War II stories of this stature that we haven't heard about yet?
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. THE COUNTERFEITERS imdb Page:
Direct download: 62_TAS_No.62_THE_COUNTERFEITERS_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:02pm EDT
Fri, 5 December 2008
Mike listened to the Counting Crows new album one too many times before the film, John declares the absolute interconnectivity of excessive smoking and alcoholism, while Adam's Darkon masochism is revealed as he obsesses over a derogatory term for incestuous children. All this, plus the drabbest movie trailer ever.
If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. MARION BRIDGE imdb Page:
Direct download: 61_TAS_No.61_MARION_BRIDGE_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:01pm EDT