Fri, 19 March 2010
John, James and Adam create something that isn't. Also: Hostel impressions. If you have a comment or question you can write us at or call and leave a voicemail message at (206) 984-1298. Thanks for listening. THE INVENTION OF LYING imdb Page:
Direct download: 215_TAS_No.215_THE_INVENTION_OF_LYING_Voicemail__206-984-1298.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:01am EST
Now that the Capcha is gone.... Great commentary guys -- but you hit the nail on the head when discussing the robber scene. Richard Bellison: Well, I\'m just gonna leave, and you dont know my name. Man at the Door: What is your name? Richard Bellison: Richard Bellison. This kind of conversation happens everywhere in the movie and it just doesn\'t work for me. There is a difference between lying, and disclosing all truth, or, omniscience. There was nothing stopping the robber from ignoring the question and walking out. That wouldn\'t have been any more of a lie, than, the robbery was in the first place. Which is essentially lying in action, saying you belong in said house, and said items belong to you, when they don\'t. How could the robber steal some money from the house and spend it at a store or deposit it at the bank, presenting it as his own - a lie. So when you dig in, the movie doesnt make sense at the level they decided to play it at. In my opinion they tried to split the difference between some kind of perfect no-sin world that was deeply analyzed, and some kind of outrageous, off the wall comedy that you\'d expect Jim Carrey to star in with gags galore. And they lost me there. The middle ground left me laughing weakly during the fun moments when I could have been roaring (\"Pepsi - when they dont have Coke\") because I was analyzing the deep conversations having trouble with the logic; and the deep conversations had me looking for laughs and sometimes missing the beauty of the dialogue. That leads to the strong point of this movie - the acting. Both leads are outstanding. In my mind they keep the movie from deteriorating into a confused mess. You want them both happy, and together. And if there ever was a guy you\'d trust to wield such impressive power in a very innocent world without abusing it, THIS would be the guy. As an actor, he\'s awesome. I give it a \"C\". Brian D.
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